Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
All hail, king Jesus! all hail, Emmanuel!
King of kings, Lord of lords,
bright Morning Star.
And throughout eternity I’ll sing your praises,
and I’ll reign with you throughout eternity.
The lyrics of this majestic hymn have been echoing in my mind since I
asked the Lord to give me the right words for this devotional. How
appropriate and powerful these lyrics sound in the light of a new year!
May the intention behind these lyrics be the desire of everyone of you
in the year 2025. David Moody who wrote both the music and the
lyrics of this powerful song was a piano teacher from Vancouver,
British Columbia. The story has it that as Mr. Moody was sitting at the
piano waiting on his student to arrive one afternoon, he began to
worship the Lord and before long, the words and the music to All hail
King Jesus was born. The song became a sensation and it’s been
sung in congregations around the world since 1981. There is part of
me that secretly wishes I had been the one to compose and write such
powerful lyrics. I believe that we have all been given the creative
power to write music that emanates from our love for the Lord. The
closer we draw to him, the more connected we feel to him and the
more creative we will be to write beautiful music as unto the Lord. I
don’t know about you, but the better I am as a musician, the more free
I am in worshipping him. I have experienced that first hand both in
personal and corporate worship.
I think we as musicians are very blessed to be called into an art form
so close to the heart of God. I can’t help but think of all the psalms
where David (a creator and musician of the highest caliber) wrote so
powerfully about making music unto the Lord. Music as an art form,
brought him closer to the Lord and that is why I believe the Bible talks
about David being a man after God’s heart. David understood that
music could be a tool to draw him closer to God. He did not allow any
obstacles to get in the way of him finding the time to worship the Lord.
I don’t know about you, but every year I find myself desiring to be
even closer to Jesus than the year before and this year is no
exception. How I want to be more and more like Him and to be
conformed into the image of my Lord Jesus. I want to delve deeper
into His word and understand more of who he is and understand his
will for my life. And yet, every year I find myself being pushed to and
fro by the waves of this life. But this year, I want to be proactive in my
daily faith walk and not let the waves of this life so to speak make me
feel out of control. I want Jesus to be the captain of my boat and the
one to make all the decisions. May it be so Lord Jesus! May you have
the freedom to be the one who directs all my steps and may I be the
one who cheerfully obeys his every command. Let us take advantage
of a new year, a new beginning and start afresh and draw even closer
to him than in previous years. Let us use our art form to fulfill Phil 4:8
which puts it this way: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthythink
about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or
heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of
peace will be with you”. What powerful words to inspire us to pursue
the God of truth, nobility, righteousness, and purity by doing what he
called us to do. So let’s all get busy and turn 2025 into a year of both
spiritual and musical achievement and give glory to the Lord in the
process. May the one who called you bless you and keep you and
may he inspire you to play, sing, and act as unto the Lord. Have a
blessed and fulfilled 2025