Gert Kumi
Thoughts from a Musicians Heart
A PERSONAL SANCTUARY Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 says the following: 1-“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the...

Daniel Paul Horn
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
Sowing Seeds She sat down at the piano in my summer studio and played a Bach prelude and fugue from The Well-Tempered Clavier. One of a...

Cafe Jubalatte

Chip Hill
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
"Reaching Out" Genesis 2:18 - Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for...

Robin Leigh Massie Condy
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
"Breath of Heaven, Hold Me Together" This has been an amazing, challenging and blessed year! I am so thankful to teach voice at two...

Roslyn Langlois
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
How Great You Are Our God! How faithful You are! There is none like You! What a privilege to be invited by Café Jubalatte to share...

Barbara Kavanaugh
Who Matters?
Who Matters? How should one perform? How should one live? The words I share with you are from one of my absolute favorite novels. It...

Christine P. Melamed
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
"Accelerando, God?" As a child, I loved playing the piano fast. My teacher would always tell me to slow down, to not rush. I told her I...

Steven Condy, Baritone
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
"Not Whatever You Are Trained To Do" Most artists and musicians are out of work right now and I’m no different. When we reached day 70 of...

Barbara Kavanaugh
Life as a Bach Invention
Bach Invention by Jane Tyson Clement (1917-2000) If I could live as finished as this phrase, no note too strong; each cadence purposed,...