Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
WHO STEERS? WHO ROWS? by Carter Johnson The classical music industry can be a tough and unforgiving business. Just combine the extreme...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
THE RHYTHM OF REST by Heather Bixler While studying at Juilliard, one evening in late spring while rehearsing a Mozart Sonata, my pianist...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
UNEXPECTED PLACES by Laurel Ewell In Genesis 12:1-3 Abram was told by God to leave his country, family, and father’s house to go to a...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
GOD'S WHISPER INTO MY MUSICAL SOUL by Kristen van Dyck To be honest, I’m having trouble finding my musical spark. From high performance...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
ENTRUSTING EVERY MOMENT TO GOD by Simona Barbu In the course of my journey as a musician, I've encountered moments of faith that might...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
A KERNEL OF WHEAT by Heaven Fan "Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
HEARTS FROM ANOTHER PLANET by Barbara Kavanaugh These thoughts began whirling through me a few weeks ago. Nothing new, nothing that...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
LOVE MERCY, DO JUSTICE by Lucas Alemán Facebook feeds and Twitter streams have become a social war zone with articles, op-eds,...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
WHERE THERE IS BEAUTY, GOD CANNOT BE FAR by Julia Bezems A little over a year ago, I began the inevitable transition from studenthood...

Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES by Delta David Gier As Christians, we are all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke...