Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
THE RHYTHM OF REST by Heather Bixler While studying at Juilliard, one evening in late spring while rehearsing a Mozart Sonata, my pianist...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
UNEXPECTED PLACES by Laurel Ewell In Genesis 12:1-3 Abram was told by God to leave his country, family, and father’s house to go to a...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
GOD'S WHISPER INTO MY MUSICAL SOUL by Kristen van Dyck To be honest, I’m having trouble finding my musical spark. From high performance...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
ENTRUSTING EVERY MOMENT TO GOD by Simona Barbu In the course of my journey as a musician, I've encountered moments of faith that might...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
A KERNEL OF WHEAT by Heaven Fan "Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
HEARTS FROM ANOTHER PLANET by Barbara Kavanaugh These thoughts began whirling through me a few weeks ago. Nothing new, nothing that...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
LOVE MERCY, DO JUSTICE by Lucas Alemán Facebook feeds and Twitter streams have become a social war zone with articles, op-eds,...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
WHERE THERE IS BEAUTY, GOD CANNOT BE FAR by Julia Bezems A little over a year ago, I began the inevitable transition from studenthood...
Cafe Jubalatte
Thoughts from a Musician's Heart
OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES by Delta David Gier As Christians, we are all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke...
Cafe Jubalatte
My Swirling, Morphing Collage
I would love to know if anyone shares my awesome experience. Since I learned to read, a book has been my nighttime companion. I don’t...